Signature Required means that you need to make sure that someone is available to receive and sign for the package when it arrives, so your premium PC case can reach you safely and securely. The package will be delivered to the address and not to you as an individual, which means it is also possible for the package to be received by someone else of the household, a neighbor, or building manager.
Articles in this section
- What can I do if I was not at home during delivery?
- What does Signature Required on shipping means?
- Can I buy spare parts?
- How do I clean the filters?
- How do I clean my tower?
- What sizes of GPUs are compatible with the HS 420 VGPU?
- Are there any differences in the internal space between the HS 420 and HS 420 VGPU?
- What distinguishes the HS 420 VGPU from the standard HS 420?
- Are there general warranty conditions available?
- Reference to Legal Warranty Rights?